A youth leader from São Tomé and Príncipe appears on the list of 100 most influential youth figures on the African continent in 2023. This is S...
Wildiley Barroca, young African leader, development actor and with extensive international experience in public youth policies, participates in the Af...
In 2017, Wildiley Barroca entered the list of the 100 most influential young people on the African continent. Wildiley Barroca, aged 27, has a very s...
The conviction comes from Wildiley Barroca, youth leader in São Tomé and Príncipe. She was Vice-President of the Pan-African Yout...
CELEBRATION OF AFRICAN CONTINENT DAY The theme of this year’s Africa Day is “Educating an African Fit for the 21st Century: Building Resilient Ed...