In 2017, Wildiley Barroca entered the list of the 100 most influential young people on the African continent.

Wildiley Barroca, aged 27, has a very strong connection with associations at national and international level. From 2014 to 2018, he was president of the National Youth Council of São Tomé and Príncipe, as well as Youth Ambassador to the African Union, serving as vice-president of the Pan-African Youth Union (UPJ) and general coordinator for Central Africa.

Barroca explains, in an interview, that the UPJ is the African Union's consultative body on youth matters and the platform for all youth structures on the African continent.

Reflecting on his important role as a representative of his country, Barroca says that the highlight goes to São Tomé and Príncipe.

“If we look at the path I took, it naturally led to the last two distinctions, and this was always associated with the name of São Tomé and Príncipe.

And she adds: “for me, as a young person, it was very pleasant to be at the forefront of these challenges, both nationally and internationally. And knowing that I managed to influence many young people. Today I can consider that I am another reference for many young people”.

While serving as vice-president of the Pan-African Youth Union (UPJ) and general coordinator for Central Africa in 2016, Wildiley Barroca said that he was selected by Africa Diligence magazine among the 69 most influential and was invited to speak about the contours of emerging Africa. His opinion was published in the book “Moi Président”.

He recently entered the list of the 100 most influential young people on the African continent in 2017, organized by Positive Youth Magazine.

Defending public policies for youth was a message that Wildiley Barroca says he has always defended, and now that he is not involved in any activity or role linked to associations, he is focusing on his studies.

Barroca is a law student at the University Institute of Administration, Accounting and Informatics (IUCAI) in São Tomé and Príncipe, but warns: “I will continue to work with youth, because it is what I know best”.

Make happen

Wildiley Barroca was invited to write a poem about “transcendence”, the theme of TEDx São Tomé in 2013. After the event Barroca transformed the poem into the song “Faz happen”.

“This song has great meaning for me because it carries a very strong message for the youth of São Tomé.”

Barroca wants young people to transcend barriers, difficulties, fear, everything that impedes a person's development. But he advises that it is not enough to transcend, it must “happen”.

“We have to believe in ourselves. We have a dream. Fight to make this dream come true. And finally make it happen. We are the protagonists of our future,” concludes Wildiley Barroca. (VOA)

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